(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, U.S. Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) introduced the End Shutdowns Act, legislation to prevent a future government shutdown. Beyer and Raskin represent districts with two of the highest concentrations of federal workers and contractors in the country, which were hit hard by the recent shutdown.

“Government shutdowns are destructive for the federal workforce and the country, and no good ever comes from them,” said Rep. Beyer. “The President and Congress need to be able to resolve their differences without resorting to threatening to damage the country on purpose. In the wake of the longest shutdown in history, the time has come to permanently end the threat of future shutdowns.”

“We need to make sure that our federal workforce and our people are never held hostage again by a President hellbent on shutting down the government to have his way in a policy fight,” said Rep. Raskin. “The End Shutdowns Act is a big step forward.”

The End Shutdowns Act would fill any lapse in appropriations with an automatic continuing resolution, and then bar the House from considering further legislation other than mutually-agreed-upon emergencies, until Congress agrees on a government-funding measure. The bill (text available here) is the House version of legislation offered by Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA).
