FY 25 Community Projects Requested

Congressman Raskin submitted the following Community Project Funding requests to the House Appropriations Committee for Fiscal Year 2025.

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies

Strategic Reforestation and Habitat Restoration

Amount Requested: $680,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: With this funding, Montgomery County will plant 2,000 shade trees and structurally prune 1,000 previously planted shade trees on strategically selected county-owned land. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will reduce soil erosion, enhance water supplies, improve water quality, and increase wildlife habitat.

Federal Nexus: This project has a Federal nexus because it is for the purposes authorized by the Soil Conservation and Allotment Domestic Act of 1935, 16 U.S. Code sections 590a-590d and 590f- g.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

Forensic Laboratory Capabilities Enhancement

Amount Requested: $1,477,000

Recipient: Montgomery County Police Department

Recipient Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Project Summary: The funding would be used to procure technology and updated equipment for the forensic laboratory in order to reduce the backlog of cases awaiting analysis and to decrease the overall time required for each examination. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the information gathered by the acquired technology systems will provide information that can assist in the accurate and timely conviction of criminals and the exoneration of innocent citizens.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in section 1701(b)(8) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10381(b)(8)).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Police Communications and Mental Health Dispatch Upgrades

Amount Requested: $800,000

Recipient: City of Takoma Park

Recipient Address: 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912

Project Summary: The funding would establish a pilot program to expand and improve the Takoma Park Police Department’s mental health crisis response program. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will improve community safety, and it will offer an appropriate and cost-effective response to mental health crises.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10152).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Real Time Crime Center (RTCC) Enhancement

Amount Requested: $2,100,000

Recipient: Montgomery County Police Department

Recipient Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Project Summary: This project will establish a Real Time Crime Center in Montgomery County to provide officers with intelligence such as real-time suspect movement, criminal information on detained suspects, and premises information for crime locations so that officers can make better and more efficient decisions. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the information gathered by the acquired technology systems will help officers make better and more efficient decisions in pursuit of enforcing laws and addressing violent crime.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10152).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Homeland Security

Wheaton Branch Flood Mitigation

Amount Requested: $2,613,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: The funding would be used to reduce the risk of flooding of five homes, six additional residential properties, and Dennis Avenue, a major thoroughfare with an average daily traffic of 14,000 vehicles. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because repeated flooding affecting the area causes significant traffic delays and affects access to nearby medical facilities.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 203 of the Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5133), as amended by Section 1234, National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation, of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) of 2018.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

Lead Service Line Inventory Investigation

Amount Requested: $491,571

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Ave, Rockville MD, 20850

Project Summary: The funding would be used to identify 8,256 service lines comprised of currently unknown materials, posing a threat to Rockville's water safety and compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will support a comprehensive inventory, safeguarding public health and ensuring long-term water safety for Rockville residents.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300j-12.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Orangeburg Lateral Replacement

Amount Requested: $2,520,000

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Ave, Rockville MD, 20850

Project Summary:  The funding would be used to replace aging and failing Orangeburg pipes that threaten residents with sewage backups, overflows, and ground contamination. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because installing new, reliable infrastructure would prevent costly emergencies, protect residents from harmful sewage exposure, and ensure a cleaner environment for the community.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Title VI of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C 1381 et seq.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation

Amount Requested: $2,416,000

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Ave, Rockville MD, 20850

Project Summary: The funding will rehabilitate 54,196 linear feet of aging wastewater pipes in Southeast Rockville. This is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the project will prevent sewage backups that threaten public health and safety, damage private property, and pollute our waterways.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Title VI of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C 1381 et seq.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

Energy Efficiency Retrofit for Under-Resourced Buildings

Amount Requested: $3,000,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: This project would improve whole-building energy efficiency and replace fossil fuel heating, water heating, and cooking equipment in up to 10 large, under-resourced multifamily properties. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will address a barrier to the completion of efficient, modernizing energy upgrades in multifamily and affordable housing, connecting residents to the public health benefits of enhanced indoor air quality and reducing energy cost burdens.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is consistent with purposes authorized in 42 U.S.C.5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), and/or 5305(a)(5).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Flex On-Demand Microtransit Vehicles

Amount Requested: $2,000,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: This project would purchase new zero emission microtransit vehicles to provide first/last mile transit connections in suburban Montgomery County. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the project will improve regional access, reduce traffic, support regional economic development, and assist in achieving the County's long term transit growth and sustainability goals.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by chapter 53 of title 49 of the United States Code.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Low-Income Home Weatherization Project

Amount Requested: $1,500,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: The funding would be used to remediate health and safety problems in low-income homes that are required before weatherization work can begin. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will reduce energy burdens for income-eligible homes, improve indoor air quality and prevent disrepair.

Federal Nexus: The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is consistent with purposes authorized in 42 U.S.C.5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), and/or 5305(a)(5).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Rooftop Solar for Parking Garages

Amount Requested: $2,750,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: This project will fund solar installations on the rooftops of Montgomery County-owned parking garages. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it capitalizes on the otherwise untapped value of this real estate, offset the energy required to operate these facilities and lower operating costs for parking rate payers. Affordable parking will ensure the shopping areas served by these parking garages are attractive options for consumers.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is consistent with purposes authorized in 42 U.S.C.5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), and/or 5305(a)(5).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Security Cameras for Parking Garages

Amount Requested: $ 2,757,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: The project will fund additional cameras and other electronic surveillance apparatus to cover previously excluded fields of view of the parking decks, pedestrian and vehicular access points, increasing safety and security of Montgomery County-owned parking garages. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will deter criminal activity within and surrounding Montgomery County-owned parking garages and increase public confidence in parking safety and security.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is consistent with purposes authorized in 42 U.S.C.5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), and/or 5305(a)(5).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

US 29 Critical Bike & Pedestrian/Safety Improvements

Amount Requested: $400,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850.

Project Summary: This project will facilitate first and last mile connections to the Flash BRT station located along Lockwood Drive at Oak Leaf Drive. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because these improvements will expand the existing pedestrian and bicycle network by addressing critical safety issues, filling network gaps and upgrading existing facilities to current standards.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is consistent with purposes authorized in 42 U.S.C.5305(a)(1), 5305(a)(2), 5305(a)(4), and/or 5305(a)(5).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

Zero Emission Bus (ZEB) Procurement

Amount Requested: $2,456,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Project Summary: This project will fund the procurement of new zero-emission buses to replace old and outdated diesel and compressed natural gas buses. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the new buses will advance the County’s Ride On Reimagined program and will reduce the harmful air pollutants released by existing diesel buses, which currently serve the county’s most densely populated communities. The transition to zero-emission vehicles will have an immediate positive health benefit for these communities.

Federal Nexus: The funding provided is for purposes authorized by chapter 53 of title 49 of the United States Code.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter

FY 24 Community Projects Requested


Crime Laboratory Information Management System

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies/DOJ/ Community Oriented Policing Services

Amount requested: $1,300,000

Recipient: Montgomery County Police Department

Recipient Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used by the Montgomery County Police Department to acquire and implement a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). A LIMS is a comprehensive database management system that collects, creates and stores all data related to the examinations conducted within the crime laboratory. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because by adopting a LIMS, the Montgomery County Police Department can transform its laboratory operations and significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of forensic investigations, streamline the tracking and management of forensic evidence, and reduce the time and effort required for forensic investigations – resulting in cases being resolved more quickly. This will promote a more efficient and effective justice system and, ultimately, a safer community for our residents and businesses. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in section 1701(b)(8) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10381(b)(8)).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Crisis Co-Response Teams

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies/DOJ/ Byrne Justice Grants

Amount requested: $700,000

Recipient: Montgomery County Police Department

Recipient Address: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, Maryland. 20878

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used to increase the size of the Montgomery County Police Department’s Crisis Intervention Team Unit. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would expand an effective approach to meeting the growing demand for mental health services and reducing unnecessary arrests, which can result in significant cost-savings. Crisis intervention teams prevent tragic outcomes, improve community safety, and offer an effective response to mental health crises. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in Section 501 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. § 10152).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Cryogenic Electron Microscope

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies/NIST/Scientific and Technical Research

Amount requested: $2,000,000

Recipient: University of Maryland, Baltimore

Recipient Address: 220 North Arch Street, Baltimore, MD 21212

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for purchasing a 300kV Cryogenic Electron Microscope (Cryo-EM). The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because this world-class research instrumentation would be used to develop industry standards for vaccines and biologics, and to develop quality control metrics for vaccines. The instrument would immediately benefit therapeutic and vaccine development and manufacturing. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes described in section 272 of title 15, United States Code.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Interoperable Police Radio Communications Equipment

Subcommittee /Agency/Account: Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies/DOJ/ Community Oriented Policing Services

Amount requested: $1,471,220

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used by to purchase essential police radio communications equipment for the Rockville City Police Department that is fundamental to emergency preparedness and response operations. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the current units are becoming obsolete, are failing more often, and will no longer be supported within a five-year window. Failure to replace this equipment may lead to increased response time to critical life-threatening emergencies.  This equipment will enable the Rockville City Police Department to remain compatible and interoperable with the radio system maintained by Montgomery County. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized in Section 1701(b)(8) of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. §10381(b)(8)).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter



Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies/Army Corps of Engineers (Civil)/Investigations

Amount requested: $650,000

Recipient: Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Recipient Address: 30 West Gude Drive, Suite 450, Rockville, MD 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used to further the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin’s (ICPRB’s) efforts to protect, preserve and restore the water quality of the Potomac River and its tributaries. The ICPRB is a federal interstate watershed agency established under the Interstate Compact and approved by Congress in 1940. Since then, the Potomac River has evolved from an “open sewer” to a river that provides reliable, safe drinking water, accepts the region’s treated wastewater, and provides recreational opportunities that make the region a desirable place to live, work, and play. The Potomac River supplies 78% of the broader Washington, metropolitan area’s water. With this project, the ICPRB will implement the Potomac River Basin Comprehensive Water Resources Plan, including (among other activities) constructing a real-time 2D flow and contaminant transport model of the Potomac for use during spill events; implementing an outreach strategy for ICPRB's impervious cover tool to assist decision-makers in understanding the effects of proposed impervious cover sites on local hydrology; and engaging in critical data collection. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because ensuring safe and abundant drinking water is crucial for the health of our people and the economic development of our region. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Section 5019 of P.L. 110-114, as amended by Section 4001 of P.L. 113-121.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter



City of Rockville Emergency Operations Center

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Homeland Security/FEMA/Emergency Operations Centers

Amount requested: $592,500

Recipient: Maryland Department of Emergency Management

Recipient Address: 5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive, Reisterstown, MD, 21136

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for necessary technology for the City of Rockville’s Emergency Operations Center, including computers and display monitors. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will ensure that the capacity exists for leadership to direct and control operations from a centralized facility in the event of an emergency or disaster in the City of Rockville. Furthermore, facilitating and deconflicting operational action during a crisis across the government sector reduces the cost of unnecessarily duplicative efforts. The City of Rockville purchased a building that will house the first dedicated EOC in the city. The EOC will ensure city leadership can direct and control operations across city departments in the event of critical incidents and disasters. The Maryland Department of Emergency Management has provided a letter of support. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 614 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5196c), as amended by section 202 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (9/11 Act).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


City of Rockville Potomac Woods Storm Drain Improvements

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Homeland Security/FEMA/ Pre-Disaster Mitigation

Amount requested: $900,000

Recipient: Maryland Department of Emergency Management

Recipient Address: 5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive, Reisterstown, Maryland, 21136

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used by the City of Rockville (subrecipient) to replace undersized storm drain pipes and inlets with larger storm drain pipes and inlets and to upgrade the storm drain system outfall at Stratton Drive. Updating the system with larger, more appropriately sized pipes and inlets will allow stormwater to drain faster and will reduce flood risks. Upgrading the outfall will also improve the capacity of the upstream system by allowing water to exit the system freely and easily and will reduce the risk of damaging erosion within Bogley Branch during severe storms. These improvements will expand mitigation capacity. This project will reduce the risk of property damage and dangerous conditions that are currently occurring in this area due to roadway flooding. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the City of Rockville experienced massive flooding in the summer of 2021 due to the remnants of Hurricane Ida, which resulted in loss of life and significant property damage. During this time, substantial flooding due to storm drain overflow occurred within the Potomac Woods neighborhood. The increase in size and intensity of recent storms has also caused failure at the storm drain system outfall. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by section 203 of the Stafford Act (42 U.S.C. 5133), as amended by Section 1234, National Public Infrastructure Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation, of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) of 2018.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter




City of Rockville Sewer Line Rehabilitation

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies/EPA/State and Tribal Assistance Grants - Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Amount requested: $500,000

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for two miles of sewer pipe rehabilitation, focused on pipes that are more than 50 years old within the Disadvantaged Community (DAC) of Southeast Rockville. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because failing to rehabilitate the sewer lines will increase the risk of wastewater overflows into storm drains and streams and back-ups into private structures – threatening public health and safety, damaging private property, and polluting our streams. The City of Rockville has approximately 148 miles of sewer line and has identified this portion of the system as among those in greatest need of repair. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Title VI of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C 1381 et seq.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


City of Rockville Water Main Rehabilitation

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies/EPA/State and Tribal Assistance Grants - Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

Amount requested: $2,400,000

Recipient: City of Rockville

Recipient Address: 111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for replacing 6,000 linear feet of pipe in the City of Rockville, focused on water mains within a Disadvantaged Community (DAC) and a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Opportunity Zone in Southeast Rockville. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it would result in safe drinking water compliant with federal and state regulations and improved system reliability and safety. The project would replace old pipes of unknown origin and would allow for an updated inventory of material in compliance with EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revision. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300j-12.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter



Randolph Road Community Childcare and Community Center for Low-Income Families, Montgomery County, Maryland, Eighth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/HUD/ Economic Development Initiatives

Amount requested: $1,175,000

Recipient: AHC Inc.

Recipient Address: 2230 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 100, Arlington, VA 22201

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for the interior and exterior build out of a child care center and a community center at the Randolph Road Community, which is a deeply affordable, 195-unit housing complex currently under construction in Montgomery County, Maryland. The project will also construct a public playground and picnic area adjacent to these facilities. The project is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because the child care center will provide affordable child care that will enable Randolph Road Community residents and other low-income parents in the community to obtain outside employment, furthering their economic security and self-sufficiency. The completed community center will be used for purposes such as food distributions for low-income residents and adult programming on economic mobility. The space will support the economic mobility of low-income residents of the Randolph Road Community and the surrounding neighborhood and will meet the high demand for multipurpose community spaces in Montgomery County. The adjacent playground and picnic area will provide a safe place for local children and families and will further the community development of the neighborhood. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(2).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Community Resource Center for Children and Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Montgomery County, Maryland, Sixth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/HUD/ Economic Development Initiatives

Amount requested: $3,279,250

Recipient: Community Support Services, Inc

Recipient Address: 9075 Comprint Court, Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for the renovation of one section of an existing office building in Gaithersburg, MD that is owned by Community Support Services, Inc., a Maryland nonprofit 501(c)(3). This renovation will enable Community Support Services, Inc. to provide supported employment, career planning services, and recreational and vocational experiences for children and adults with autism and other severe developmental and intellectual disabilities. This project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because it will increase the workforce participation, vocational skills, and community engagement of people with disabilities in Montgomery County, Maryland and also will enable parents and family members of children and adults with disabilities to obtain or continue their outside employment. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(4).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Goshen Road Safety Improvements, Montgomery County, Maryland, Sixth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/DOT/Highway Infrastructure Projects

Amount requested: $4,750,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for the design of safety improvements along Goshen Road from approximately 500 feet south of MD Route 124 to approximately 500 feet north of Emory Grove Road. The project will correct a sight distance issue associated with the hillcrest at the intersection of Emory Grove Road, where there is a substantial crash history. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because sixty-six crashes have occurred on Goshen Road between the intersection of Emory Grove Road and MD-124 since 2016.  More than half of these resulted in an injury. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 USC 133.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Northwest Branch SVU3 Trail Rehabilitation, Montgomery County, Maryland, Eighth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/HUD/ Economic Development Initiatives

Amount requested: $1,800,000

Recipient: Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission

Recipient Address:  2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, Maryland 20902

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used for improving a section of the Northwest Branch SVU3 Trail in Montgomery County, Maryland. The project will repave a section of the trail that is currently pitted, cracked and uneven, and prone to flooding in certain sections. Accordingly, today the trail is difficult to use and unsafe for commuters and youth, whether traveling by bike or on foot. The project will also pave a section of the trail that is currently gravel, replace bridges and culverts that are in “serious” condition and require replacement for continued safe usage of the trail, and will install wayfinding/safety signage to support the trail’s use by bicyclists and pedestrians. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because the rehabilitated trail will improve the community’s access to the public bus and rail transit systems, improving commutes, facilitating access to economic opportunity, and providing a safe means of access for youth. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(2).

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Public Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure, Montgomery County, Maryland, Eighth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/DOT/Highway Infrastructure Projects

Amount requested: $4,000,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850.

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used to install a mix of Level 2 charging (for long-term parking) and DC fast charging (for short-term parking) at two of the county’s public parking garages in downtown Silver Spring in Montgomery County, Maryland. The project is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds because no public DC fast chargers are currently located in this census tract. Both garages where the charging units would be installed are in neighborhoods with many large apartment buildings and multi-family housing units, and where access to EV charging is a challenge. The county has received a significant number of requests for EV charging stations from residents in this area. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by 23 USC 133.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter


Vision Zero Improvements for Bus Stops, Montgomery County, Maryland, Eighth Congressional District

Subcommittee/Agency/Account: Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies/DOT/Transit Infrastructure Grants

Amount requested: $560,000

Recipient: Montgomery County

Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, Maryland, 20850

Federal Nexus and Justification: The funding would be used to construct safety improvements for approximately 25 bus stops in Montgomery County, Maryland, with a focus on the specific corridors and locations that are highest priority because of the current safety risks for transit users. The project will entail the design and construction of bus stop improvements to include filling in missing sidewalks links and adding ADA ramps, concrete pads, and other safety features. This is a valuable use of taxpayer funds because transit riders have been struck and killed when walking to and from bus stops in the County. The project has a Federal nexus because the funding provided is for purposes authorized by chapter 53 of title 49 of the United States Code.

Signed Financial Disclosure and Federal Nexus Letter



For Fiscal Year 2023 (FY22) Rep. Raskin submitted the 15 below community project funding (CPF) requests to the House Appropriations Committee, consistent with the Committee’s guidance. NOTE: The projects are listed alphabetically by Subcommittee.

North Bethesda-White Flint Institute for Intelligent and Immersive Computing for Life Science and Medicine

Amount Requested: $3 million
Recipient: Montgomery County
Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: The White Flint Institute for Computational Life Science in Montgomery County (the Institute) is planned as a partnership among Montgomery County, the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) and the University of Maryland Baltimore, and the State of Maryland, to harness the tremendous public and private sector life science assets in the Montgomery County and the computational expertise of UMCP. This partnership will accelerate discoveries and advances in life sciences, biomanufacturing, and medicine. The Institute ultimately will be located in Montgomery County, in the North Bethesda White Flint area adjacent to the North Bethesda (White Flint) Metro station and is intended to kickstart an economic resurgence in the area, with a wide variety of new employment opportunities for current and future residents. This funding will support the acquisition of computational equipment at the new White Flint Institute for Computational Life Science in Montgomery County, which will use that equipment to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning and virtual reality can help accelerate discoveries in life science and medicine.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Primary Care Coalition’s Building an Inclusive Health Care Workforce Project

Amount Requested: $1,300,000
Recipient: Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, Inc.
Recipient Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue, 10th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Purpose and Justification: The Building an Inclusive Health Care Workforce program builds a culturally and linguistically competent health care workforce that mirrors our diverse community. This funding would help address the high demand for more staff and supports economic empowerment for under-employed residents and will increase ongoing student capacity by expanding health sciences laboratory spaces and developing hospital partnerships for clinical education sites. Outreach and wrap-around services will support the student pipeline, and educational and employment success. It would offer low or no-cost training that allows new entrants to join the workforce and launch a career as the health care professionals we need.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Arts on the Block’s Creative Workforce Development for Young People Program

Amount Requested: $100,000
Recipient: Arts on the Block
Recipient Address: 900 Wayne Ave #1A, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Purpose and Justification: Through its creative workforce development programs, Arts on the Block (AOB) actively identifies, recruits, and retains youth in the region with creative aptitudes who are unlikely to be introduced to creative training and jobs in their current environments. AOB’s apprenticeship program provides students with a well-rounded arts education and helps to prepare them for a future career in the creative arts industry. Through this apprenticeship program, young people are employed to create large-scale public art, working in teams to interact directly with clients and communities. Through this process young professionals: strengthen their professional and business communication skills; develop relationships with other professionals in the field; master technical and critical problem solving skills including peer/client design reviews and quality control; collaborate in project management, budgeting, and scheduling; excel in digital tools; build their resumes and obtain crucial skills through hands-on experience. This project empowers young people to join the creative workforce and get involved in their community. AOB achieves this through hands-on apprenticeship, offering young people the opportunity to learn about art, design, and business by engaging them in public art projects and providing entrepreneurial training.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Secure Bike Parking Facilities in Downtown Bethesda & Downtown Silver Spring

Amount Requested: $428,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Government Recipient
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: This project will provide secure bike parking facilities in downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring. Both of these facilities are adjacent to transit hubs and are within major mixed-use downtown areas. Justification: This project supports a shift to sustainable methods of transport, reducing emissions in low income and disadvantaged communities along the major routes into downtown Bethesda and Silver Spring. This project will improve access to transit, providing a low-cost and safe way for lower income riders to securely park their bikes at transit hubs in downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring at any time of day. By encouraging people to bike to transit, this project will reduce traffic on roadways leading into downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring and will improve roadway safety in the disadvantaged neighborhoods these roads pass through. Secure bike parking can accommodate workers who may travel to and from work at times of day where other transit modes are not in operation.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Frederick County Emergency Operations Center

Amount Requested: $880,000
Recipient: Frederick County Government
Recipient Address: 12 East Church Street, 3rd Floor, Frederick, MD 21701
Purpose and Justification: This project would establish a centrally located Emergency Operations Center to support senior government official coordination for a planned complex and/or large-scale public event, or unannounced emergency or disaster event in the community. This Emergency Operations Center project seeks to make meaningful and transformative investments in the capability and capacity to manage complex or large scale emergencies that may occur in Frederick County, MD in cooperation with governmental or private sector utility partners. Under the direction of the County Executive, Frederick County Emergency Management partners with its municipal, county, state, and federal partners within Frederick County to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters of many types. In Maryland, emergency management is a statutory responsibility at the State and County level. The Frederick County, MD Emergency Operations Center is the sole emergency operations center for the jurisdiction. It serves the entire county, all twelve municipalities located within the county, as well as provides connections to federal facilities, and the broader National Capital region.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Oak View Community Connector Bridge

Amount Requested: $800,000
Recipient: Montgomery Parks Capital Improvement Program
Recipient Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 11th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902
Purpose and Justification: This project would fund a high bridge to provide better, community access across Long Branch between neighborhoods and to improve safety for children walking to Oak View Elementary School. The bridge was a community request at the first public meeting to provide a safe, visible, and accessible (ADA compliant) connection across the stream valley to connect the elementary school, parks, residences, community and retail centers and future Purple Line public transit stops. The existing connection is a steep stairway descending 30 feet of grade change into an isolated, wooded area.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Water Main Replacement at Route 27

Amount Requested: $2,150,000
Recipient: City of Westminster
Recipient Address: 45 W Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157
Purpose and Justification: The Water Main Replacement at Route 27 project will replace the existing transite (asbestos-cement) water main pipe on Route 27 with a new 12” ductile iron pipe and replace all lateral connections and appurtenances. This is one the largest arteries for the transportation of water within the City of Westminster water distribution system.  In recent years there have been frequent, massive failures in this line, causing sink holes large enough to swallow multiple vehicles.  The aged line is fragile, so the more times there is a failure in the line, the larger the sink holes get, which is a danger to motorists and pedestrians alike. Additionally, the Route 27 water line has a dangerously low fire protection stored water capability, which endangers the health, safety, and welfare of the community during a water main break. This project will fix these ongoing issues and eliminate the current health and safety risks.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Identity’s Encuentros: Scaling a Community-Based Model of Emotional Healing

Amount Requested: $121,000
Recipient: Identity of Maryland, Inc. AKA Identity, Inc.
Project Address: c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, #300, Rockville, Maryland 20855
Purpose and Justification: This funding would help build out and scale Identity’s successful, evidence-based, non-clinical Community Mental Health program called Encuentros that gives youth and families from historically underserved Latino communities in Montgomery County, MD access to mental and behavioral health support at a time of urgent and unprecedented need. Identity’s non-clinical community-based Encuentros program provides no-cost, culturally and linguistically sensitive emotional support groups covering topics that include anxiety, trauma, grief, depression, emotional agility/resilience and self-care. These groups offer a safe space for participants to engage in open, honest discussion about mental and emotional health challenges and develop shared strategies for managing them. This innovative, evidence-based program addresses the mental health crisis, exacerbated by the pandemic, that has ravaged our community and totally overwhelmed the already inadequate supply of bilingual mental health providers.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Sandy Spring Museum Folklife Hub Expansion

Amount Requested: $500,000
Recipient: Sandy Spring Museum
Recipient Address: 17901 Bentley Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Purpose and Justification: This project will help fund the expansion of Sandy Spring Museum’s Folklife Hub. Funding will allow Sandy Spring Museum to better serve county folk artists who are immigrants, people of color, and members of underserved communities. The Folklife Center at the Museum provides a range of customized services to foster the economic resilience of folk artists, including space for rehearsals, performances, classes and meetings; capacity-building support such as grant writing assistance, financial planning; and audio-visual technical assistance for live-streaming, virtual teaching, and the creation of promotional materials; and networking opportunities to build cross-cultural collaborations.  Most frequently requested by folk artists is the use of physical space at the museum. Demand for space and other services exceeds the museum’s current capacity.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Multidisciplinary Care Center for People with IDD

Amount Requested: $750,000
Recipient: Jewish Foundation for Group Homes (JFGH)
Recipient Address: 1500 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852
Purpose and Justification: JFGH is developing an accessible, culturally competent, multidisciplinary/multi-system of care and integrated physical, dental, and behavioral health clinic in a primary care setting designed with/for people with IDD that does not exist in the DC Metropolitan area. JFGH anticipates and/or has established partnerships with Georgetown, UMD School of Dentistry, Maryland’s DDA, Montgomery County’s DHHS, and others. This Montgomery County-based, groundbreaking clinic will: improve healthcare for people with IDD (Health People 2030 priority); familiarize future medical professionals with IDD healthcare needs emphasizing mental health; reduce unnecessary/costly ED visits. This project will help improve health outcomes and lower the cost of medical care.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Sheppard Pratt’s Zero Suicide Initiative

Amount Requested: $1 million
Recipient: Sheppard Pratt
Project Address: Montgomery County, Maryland
Purpose and Justification: This project would implement the evidence based Zero Suicide Initiative in Montgomery County. Lead by Sheppard Pratt the Zero Suicide Initiative train health providers in: Mental First Aid, identifying and screening for mental health issues, engaging with patients at risk of suicide, treating suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and transitioning care for patients at risk of suicide from inpatient to outpatient care. The Zero Suicide Initiative in Montgomery County would collaborate with and build on existing efforts. 

Signed Disclosure Letter

White Oak Medical Center EP Lab Software Replacement

Amount Requested: $500,000
Recipient: Adventist Healthcare’s White Oak Medical Center
Project Address: 11890 Healing Way, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Purpose and Justification: White Oak Medical Center’s award-winning Electro Physiology (EP) lab has the highest possible rating from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and this funding would allow them to make essential security updates to its electronic systems. In 2021 the White Oak Medical Center performed more than 1,200 EP procedures, including both complex ablations to correct heart arrhythmia and device insertions (such as pacemakers). White Oak’s EP lab is an important link to treatment for people in our community suffering from cardiac rhythm issues such as atrial fibrillation or “AFib.” It is estimated that 12.1 million people in the United States will have AFib in 2030. In 2019, AFib was mentioned on more than 183,000 death certificates and was the underlying cause of death in more than 26,500 of those deaths. This year White Oak will perform their first “Watchman” procedure in the EP lab.  Watchman is an innovative device, a one-time, minimally invasive procedure for people with AFib caused by a heart valve problem (also known as non-valvular AFib) who need an alternative to blood thinners. White Oak performs many other procedures but the Watchman device and AFib treatment overall are why the EP lab, and the underlying system that runs the labs, are so important to Maryland.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Frederick & Pennsylvania (F&P) Railroad Trail

Amount Requested: $280,000
Recipient: Frederick County Government
Recipient Address: 12 East Church Street, 3rd Floor, Frederick, MD 21701
Purpose and Justification: The Frederick and Pennsylvania Railroad Trail (F&P Trail) is a new, shared-use path in Frederick County that will connect the City of Frederick to the Town of Walkersville to the north. This project will result in the increased connectivity and safe and efficient mobility, both for recreational and commuting purposes. It will provide a safe and efficient way to bike, walk, jog and roller blade between the Town of Walkersville and Downtown Frederick. The project moves the county towards its goal of establishing a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that provides mobility for the general population who may not be automobile dependents by providing bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The project integrates pedestrian, bicycling and ADA accessible facilities into the County’s existing roadways and transportation system, enhancing mobility and connectivity for all. Finally, the project reflects responsible public policy in addressing issues related to public safety by providing a safe and effective transportation option for pedestrians and bicyclists, and soundly investing public dollars by meeting current needs while anticipating future travel patterns and land use.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) Building Electrification

Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
Recipient Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD 20902
Purpose and Justification: This project will support a pilot electrification retrofit program for low- and moderate-income housing to support conversion from fossil fuel systems to efficient electric systems that reduce energy use, and support housing climate resiliency, safety, indoor air quality, and home comfort for residents. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will partner with the Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) to work with a multi-family affordable housing project(s) to install energy efficient electric appliances, heating, and hot water systems in low-income residential units. DHCA works to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing in Montgomery County; maintain existing housing in a safe and sanitary condition; preserve the safety and quality of residential and commercial areas; ensure fair and equitable relations between landlords and tenants; and support the success of common ownership communities – all with a focus on reducing racial inequities and climate change impacts. This pilot project will directly inform the level of effort required to electrify other fossil-fuel-fired multifamily buildings in Montgomery County and elsewhere in Maryland, in line with the County and the State’s climate action goals as the electricity grid uses cleaner energy over time.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Family E-Cargo Bike Lending Program

Amount Requested: $400,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: Montgomery County will initiate an electric assist family cargo bike borrowing pilot program. The MCDOT will purchase a fleet of electric cargo bikes with a variety of configurations so that families can try and identify the bike that best suits their family and lifestyle. The program will allow parents of kids in eligible schools or residents in partnering community organizations to borrow a family cargo bike for a defined trial period at no cost to the participants. MCDOT will collect and analyze anonymized data on bike usage, survey program participants before and after, and collect feedback from the community at-large. This pilot program will help MCDOT better understand how electric cargo bikes are being used in place of auto trips. This pilot project will inform potential MCDOT’s future efforts and plans to assist low-income households in accessing e-bikes. In providing access to an emerging low-cost and zero-emission transportation option that can replace traditional auto trips, this project will support the County’s efforts to combat climate change.

Signed Disclosure Letter


For fiscal year 2022 (FY22) Rep. Raskin submitted the 10 community project funding (CPF) requests to the House Appropriations Committee, consistent with the Committee’s guidance. NOTE: The projects are listed alphabetically by Subcommittee.

Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Subcommittee:

Project Name: Body-Worn Cameras, In-Car Cameras, for Carroll County Sheriff’s Office
Amount Requested: $1,429,003
Intended Recipient: Carroll County Sheriff’s Office, 100 N Court St, Westminster, MD 21157
Project Description: This project would promote public safety and enhance transparency by supporting the purchase of body-worn cameras and in-car cameras to provide video of all law enforcement encounters with the public. This funding would equip every law enforcement deputy in the department with a body-worn camera and provide all patrol/community-related positions with an in-car camera.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Interior Subcommittee: 

Project Name: Clean Water Montgomery - Watershed Enhancement Project
Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Intended Recipient: Montgomery County, MD Government, 2425 Reedie Drive, 4th floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Project Description: The Clean Water Montgomery–Watershed Enhancement project aims to advance watershed restoration in Montgomery County, MD by promoting implementation projects which will improve tree canopy and water quality in local streams and waterways. Half of the funds will be spent directly on reforestation and individual shade tree plantings, while the remaining 50-percent will be spent on new green infrastructure projects. The project will help improve water quality for the residents of Montgomery County by increasing tree canopy through reforestation, individual shade tree plantings and green infrastructure such as rain gardens and porous pavement to help mitigate stormwater pollution. Plantings will be targeted in areas where existing canopy is insufficient, the 12-digit watershed is rated fair to poor for water quality, and the amount of impervious surface is high. This typically aligns with priority areas for environmental justice. Green infrastructure projects will be funded through a competitive grant process and be targeted in similar areas where impervious surface is high, the 12-digit watershed is rated fair to poor for water quality in priority areas of the County identified as being underserved. This project will help improve water quality for the residents of Montgomery County by increasing tree canopy through reforestation, individual shade tree plantings and green infrastructure projects to manage, reduce, treat, or recapture stormwater through the County’s watershed grant program.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Labor, HHS, Education (LHHS) Subcommittee:

Project Name: Community Bridges (CB) Girls Program
Amount Requested: $80,000
Intended Recipient: Community Bridges, Inc., 8757 Georgia Avenue, Ste. 540 Silver Spring, MD 20910 
Project Description: Community Bridges empowers girls from diverse backgrounds to become exceptional students, positive leaders, and healthy young women. CB addresses the developmental needs of immigrant and minority girls and their families living at or below the federal poverty level in Montgomery County, Maryland. Community Bridges offers an array of programs for girls and families, including after-school and out-of-school time, mentoring, and college and career programming. Support from the Community Project will allow Community Bridges to support the needs of under-resourced girls/young women in Montgomery County, MD many of whom currently live at or below the federal poverty level. For girls that are minorities and/or low-income living below the federal poverty level has challenges that are often exacerbated by gender-specific challenges and the challenges of bridging ethnic/ immigrant cultures with the American school experience. With these community demographics comes a need for services that employ a culturally responsive and inter-generational approach focused on the needs of the girls and families in our communities. The CB Girls program encourages girls to realize their potential, embrace their cultural identity and become leaders. In addition, COVID-19 has underscored the need for programs like CB Girls who provide academic support through tutoring, homework club, academic and cognitive testing, extensive college and career prep and access to food resources. Community Bridges has been conducting its programming virtually during the pandemic and supporting girls at a more than 21 schools in Montgomery County. This funding will ensure that CB can continue to work with these girls as they transition to in-person programming and continue wrap around services such as access to food through bi-weekly deliveries. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it provides positive youth development programming to empower and shape the future women leaders in our community.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: Frederick County, MD Crisis Stabilization Center (CSC)
Amount Requested: $846,303
Intended Recipient: Frederick County Government, 12 East Church Street Frederick, MD 21701
Project Description: The Frederick County CSC will be a 24/7 program that is responsive to local needs, grounded in a public health framework, and integrated into the behavioral health crisis care system in Frederick County. It will divert people who are in crisis and/or under the influence of a substance away from emergency departments and provide them with stronger links to community-based behavioral health care. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it will provide a viable alternative to costly hospital and emergency services, and work to integrate individuals into the community-based behavioral health crisis care system in Frederick County.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: Frederick County, MD Mobile Career Center
Amount Requested:
Intended Recipient: Frederick County Government, 12 East Church Street Frederick, MD 21701
Project Description: Frederick County will expand and extend the County’s existing workforce services to those who are challenged with inadequate access to technology and/or transportation under this project. The Mobile Career Center will offer computers, internet access, and a regular presence in areas of the county that are not able to engage in virtual services or have transportation barriers. Working with community nonprofits, it will also enhance services that are offered to residents in more rural communities. Unemployment and underemployment continue to be a challenge for many county residents. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it will provide direct support to individuals seeking employment, including: re-employment assistance, career guidance, career planning, job training, and access to a variety of other resources and services that support successful employment.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: The Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse (JCADA)
Amount Requested: $297,500
Intended Recipient: The Greater Washington Jewish Coalition Against Domestic Abuse, PO Box 2266, Rockville, MD 20847
Project Description: JCADA works to end power-based violence through empowering survivors and ensuring safe communities through clinical, victim advocacy and direct legal services as well as educational programming for youth, parents, educators and other professionals. The organization provides services to all residents of the Greater Washington community, without regard to race, national origin, ability, background, faith, gender or sexual orientation. During the COVID-19 pandemic, JCADA has seen a substantial increase in demand for its services. This funding would allow JCADA to serve more people by temporarily hiring additional staff to deal with the surge of clients experiencing domestic violence and sexual assault and coming forward to receive services during FY 2022. With this funding, JCADA could continue to provide hybrid in-person and remote services to survivors as well as provide temporary assistance to clients dealing with homelessness and food insecurity. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because provides critical resources and support to domestic violence survivors and their families. This funding will allow JCADA to help survivors through small housing and food grants and it will enable therapists and victim advocates to serve more clients during a period of increased need.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: Muslim Community Center Medical Clinic 
Amount Requested: $495,000
Intended Recipient: Muslim Community Center, Inc., 15200 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20905
Project Description: The Muslim Community Center (MCC) Medical Clinic provides compassionate and quality health care services to the uninsured and underinsured adult population in Maryland, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or national origin. It serves patients under the Affordable Care Act, uninsured, underinsured, Medicaid and Medicare patients living in Maryland’s 8th District. The number of patients served has grown significantly over the last 18 years, and MCC now faces a problem of insufficient space in which much-needed services can be provided and more patients can be served. In order to meet this increased demand for affordable health care and specialty services in the community, the Clinic needs to expand the current building structure and intends to expand current clinic space by adding mobile trailers.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Transportation, Housing, Urban Development (THUD) Subcommittee:

Project Name: Downtown Silver Spring Place-Based Economic Revitalization and Workforce Development Initiative 
Amount Requested: $300,000
Intended Recipient: Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, 101 Monroe Street, 4th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850 
Project Description: The Downtown Silver Spring Place-based Economic Revitalization and Workforce Development will strengthen the economy for one of the district’s critical business centers, downtown Silver Spring, which has been significantly impacted by the pandemic and economic downturn, and is currently enduring high office vacancy rates (of nearly 20 percent), decreased visitors and foot traffic, and increases in nuisance crimes. The project will upgrade and enhance downtown Silver Spring’s sidewalks and streetscapes. The project will position downtown Silver Spring to create a new economic identity as a climate industry corridor, which has the potential to have a significant and long-term impact on the area’s economic recovery and growth. The project will partner with Montgomery College-Silver Spring on training and apprenticeship opportunities for careers in climate industries. The project will also support one of downtown Silver Spring’s and Montgomery County’s growth industries: craft food and beverage manufacturing. The project is the signature community economic development initiative of the recently formed Montgomery County Commerce Cabinet, which was established by Executive Order on June 9, 2020 and brings together 14 county agencies that have a role in supporting a growing, sustainable, and inclusive local economy.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: Longbranch Stream Valley Park Pedestrian Bridge Replacements & ADA Improvements 
Amount Requested: $500,000
Intended Recipient: Montgomery County, MD Government, 2425 Reedie Drive, 11th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902 
Project Description: 
This project will update three existing pedestrian bridges along the Long Branch Stream Valley, located in one of Montgomery County’s Equity Focus Areas (EFA). The new bridges will incorporate modern ADA accessibility, drainage improvements, and CPTED enhancements for community safety and interconnection of neighborhoods. This project would be a valuable use of taxpayer funds because it will enhance public safety and help better connect diverse communities that were developed separately in the 1950s and 1960s with little regard for connectivity, accessibility, or environmental impact. The project will help ensure that county residents have equitable access to parks, recreation, and other amenities. 

Signed Disclosure Letter

Project Name: The Hill Y in Westminster, MD – Safety and Accessibility Facility Updates
Amount Requested: 
Intended Recipient: 
The Hill Y in Westminster, 1719 Sykesville Rd, Westminster, MD 21157
Project Description: The Hill Y in Westminster is a vital community asset that serves more than 7,000 people in Carroll County, MD. This project will support accessibility and safety renovations to the Hill Y’s facilities and locker rooms, including the addition of private dressing areas for special needs members/participants. This project will improve handicap pool access and replace the existing unsafe tile pool deck surface with a more functional material that meets current safety standards.  The Hill Y provides critical health and wellness services, offers school enrichment and academic programs, and supports the health and wellbeing of children, families, and seniors throughout Carroll County. Updated locker rooms, safer pool decking and improved pool access for persons with disabilities will allow the Y to better serve members of the community who require additional support services or accommodations for the Y’s water exercise opportunities, camps, and other programs. These improvements would be beneficial to all members of the community, including infants, seniors, and school-age children participating daily in Y academic programs. 

Signed Disclosure Letter