Washington, DC – Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08), Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-12) and Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) led a letter signed by every Democratic Jewish Member and 128 other Democrats in Congress to President Joe Biden expressing support for the Biden administration’s strong leadership in addressing conflict in the Middle East. 

“We write to thank you for your strong leadership during a tragic and dangerous moment in the Middle East,” the lawmakers wrote. “The horrific attack on October 7 against Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas took the lives of over 1,400 people, injured over 3,000 more, and resulted in the capture of nearly 200 people – including many American citizens – who are being held as hostages in Gaza. You have rightly condemned these actions as pure evil and expressed the United States’ steadfast support for our ally Israel in a moment of need and horror.”

The lawmakers continued, “We are grateful as well for your clear statements regarding the fundamental importance of ensuring that the humanitarian needs of the civilian population of Gaza are met, and that all possible steps are being taken to ensure the safety of civilians and noncombatants in the Strip.  Reportedly, more than 3,000 people have been killed and more than 9,700 wounded in Gaza, making it imperative that we act immediately to prevent further loss of innocent lives. We agree with you that Israel’s response must be in accordance with international law and our shared democratic values.”

In addition, the lawmakers wrote, “Even after this war between Israel and Hamas is over, the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians cannot be solved ultimately by any military means. When this crisis ends, your leadership together with regional partners will be needed to create a path to a sustainable future because, as you have so often pointed out, both Israelis and Palestinians deserve equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity and dignity. There will never be an end to the violence until that goal is achieved, and we know that the United States will have a significant role in the pursuit of the peaceful coexistence between Israel and its neighbors.”

A full copy of the letter is available here.

A full list of signers follows: Representatives Allred (TX-32), Auchincloss (MA-04), Balint (VT-AL), Barragán (CA-44), Beatty (OH-03), Beyer (VA-08), Blumenauer (OR-03), Blunt Rochester (DE-AL), Bonamici (OR-01), Brownley (CA-26), Budzinski (IL-13), Caraveo (CO-08), Carbajal (CA-24), Cárdenas (CA-29), Cartwright (PA-08), Casar (TX-35), Case (HI-01), Casten (IL-06), Castor (FL-14), Castro (TX-20), Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20), Chu (CA-28), Cohen (TN-09), Connolly (VA-11), Courtney (CT-02), Crockett (TX-30), Crow (CO-06), Davis (IL-07), Dean (PA-04), DeGette (CO-01), DeLauro (CT-03), DelBene (WA-01), Deluzio (PA-17), DeSaulnier (CA-10), Dingell (MI-06), Doggett (TX-37), Escobar (TX-16), Eshoo (CA-16), Espaillat (NY-13), Evans (PA-03), Fletcher (TX-07), Foster (IL-11), Foushee (NC-04), Frankel (FL-22), Frost (FL-10), Garamendi (CA-08), Garcia (CA-42), Garcia (TX-29), Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03), Goldman (NY-10), Gomez (CA-34), Gottheimer (NJ-05), Grijalva (AZ-07), Himes (CT-04), Horsford (NV-04), Houlahan (PA-06), Hoyer (MD-05), Jackson Lee (TX-18), Jacobs (CA-51), Johnson (GA-04), Kamlager-Dove (CA-37), Kaptur (OH-09), Keating (MA-09), Kilmer (WA-06), Krishnamoorthi (IL-08), Kuster (NH-02), Landsman (OH-01), Larsen (WA-02), Larson (CT-01), Lee (CA-12), Leger Fernandez (NM-03), Levin (CA-49), Lieu (CA-36), Lofgren (CA-18), Lynch (MA-08), Magaziner (RI-02), Manning (NC-06), Matsui (CA-07), McClellan (VA-04), McCollum (MN-04), McGarvey (KY-03), McGovern (MA-02), Menendez (NJ-08), Meng (NY-06), Moskowitz (FL-23), Moulton (MA-06), Mullin (CA-15), Nadler (NY-12), Neguse (CO-02), Panetta (CA-19), Pappas (NH-01), Pascrell (NJ-09), Pettersen (CO-07), Phillips (MN-03), Pingree (ME-01), Porter (CA-47), Quigley (IL-05), Raskin (MD-08), Ross (NC-02), Ruiz (CA-25), Salinas (OR-06), Sánchez (CA-38), Sarbanes (MD-03), Schakowsky (IL-09), Schiff (CA-30), Schneider (IL-10), Scholten (MI-03), Schrier (WA-08), Scott (VA-03), Sewell (AL-07), Sherman (CA-32), Sherrill (NJ-11), Slotkin (MI-07), Smith (WA-09), Sorensen (IL-17), Spanberger (VA-07), Stansbury (NM-01), Strickland (WA-10), Swalwell (CA-14), Takano (CA-39), Thanedar (MI-13), Tokuda (HI-02), Trahan (MA-03), Vasquez (NM-02), Wasserman Schultz (FL-25), Waters (CA-43), Watson Coleman (NJ-12), Wexton (VA-10), Wild (PA-07), Williams (GA-05), and Wilson (FL-24).
