WASHINGTON, D.C. — The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis has released a comprehensive congressional action plan for solving America’s climate crisis. This framework for building a robust green economy and creating clean energy jobs includes key provisions championed by Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08).

Ensure That Natural Gas Pipelines Do Not Harm the Climate, the Environment, and Communities

As Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Rep. Raskin led an investigation which recently found that the natural gas pipeline approval process used by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) unjustly tramples the rights of private landowners. When natural gas companies seek eminent domain to build their pipelines on private property, landowners are often effectively barred from challenging the companies in court. More often than not, FERC approves construction even if challenges to certificates are still pending.

The Climate Crisis Action Plan would:

  • Ensure landowners receive notice that pipeline developers might take their land
  • Give landowners a fair chance to challenge pipeline approvals in court
  • Require pipeline developers to obtain all permits before seizing land and starting construction
  • Establish the Office of Public Participation and Consumer Advocacy at FERC

Put a Price on Carbon Pollution, Reject Liability Relief for Corporate Polluters

Last year, Chairman Raskin led the first-ever congressional hearing examining the oil industry’s history of climate denial.  Decades of climate denialism by the oil industry forestalled meaningful government action to avert the current climate crisis. As early as the 1960s, oil giants like Exxon knew that climate change was real and that the burning of fossil fuels was a major contributor to the problem. 

In May, Congressman Raskin led 60 colleagues in urging House leadership to oppose climate change immunity grabs by the fossil fuel industry in coronavirus federal relief legislation. Climate adaptation and restoration from decades of burning fossil fuels will cost trillions of dollars and America simply cannot afford to shield polluters from accountability.

The Climate Crisis Action Plan states that:

  • Until the market reflects the true cost of carbon pollution, the U.S. economy will remain biased toward fossil fuel combustion.
  • Congress should not offer liability relief or nullify Clean Air Act authorities or other existing statutory duties to cut pollution in exchange for a carbon price.

Read the full Climate Crisis Action Plan here.
