(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 6157, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, which included a bipartisan amendment offered by Congressman Rick W. Allen (GA-12) and Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD-08). The amendment allocates $10,000,000 to the Defense POW (Prisoner of War)/Missing Persons Accounting Agency to assist in identifying unclaimed remains that have been missing since the Korean conflict, and is completely offset by reducing spending in other accounts. The Allen/Raskin Amendment passed with unanimous bipartisan support.

“Thousands of military personnel remain unaccounted for from the Korean War,” said Congressman Raskin. “I am proud to work with my colleague, Mr. Allen, on a bipartisan basis to ensure that the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency has sufficient resources to fulfill our national responsibility to provide a full accounting to their families and loved ones of those left behind on the field of battle.”

“As of today, there are almost 7,700 total personnel missing and unaccounted for since the Korean conflict. One of those still unaccounted for is Private First Class Ivan Roberts, a proud native of Georgia’s 12th Congressional District,” said Congressman Allen in a speech on the House Floor. “Although I never had the opportunity to meet Private First Class Roberts, I was able to meet his family and loved ones at a recent Memorial Ceremony in his honor – and I know he was a beloved hero and patriot whose family wants peace and closure. As you may know, in the recent historic summit between President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, President Trump asked that North Korea return remains of U.S. service members lost in the Korean War—and Kim Jong Un agreed. There are currently over 200 missing service members in the process of being returned to the United States. My colleague and I want to ensure that the Defense POW/Missing Persons Accounting Agency has the resources it needs to identify the remains and carry out this important mission so that families can finally find an eternal resting place for their loved ones. I’d like to thank my colleague from Maryland, Congressman Jamie Raskin, for joining me in introducing this important amendment.”